Thursday, February 26, 2009

Third Quarter Reflection

This quarter has been full of discoveries, and unanswered questions. We watched short films about the five senses, and learned new things about the body parts that often go unnoticed (because they have always been there). People in the class were all like "Oo nga 'no!" and "O, talaga?" whenever the narrator mentions strange things that actually happen everyday, because they all seem too normal for us.

After watching the films, and even while watching them, it made me feel as if I ventured into the human body. I saw the interaction of our environment, and our behavior. I had questions about everyday life that were answered by the short films, and I was quite satisfied with the answers that I got. One of the questions that I had then was why babies find it hard to walk, move, and balance things at first. I also wondered why I could hear things in my surroundings even when I'm asleep. Aside from these questions, facts that I knew before were also explained. Things such as why people don't notice changes in their environment was explained.

I hope the films we watched would also be seen by other people so that they would be able to understand the basics about their five senses, and discover unusual things about their body.

Another topic discussed this quarter is animal behavior. The class was divided into different groups, which discussed topics about the genetic origin of behavior, the difference of intuitive and learned behavior, and communication between animals.

In the class discussions about these topics, there would always be this recurring question that gives rise to a lot of opinions but never seem to answer it; if animals could have been actually thinking about their actions, and if they could decide what to do and not to do. Because you see, with behaviors such as altruism, one would really wonder if the animals do things for their group because of intuition or do they do it because they know that the group would benefit from it. It really seems weird. If I do not know anything about animals, I would really think that they know what they're doing...that they have conscience too, and they know how to decide on their own.

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